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Personal Information

Stefano Armenia

Consulting Services

Nationality: Italiana

  • Fax +39 06 89284519
  • Mobile +39 333 8711021
  • systems thinking
  • system dynamics
  • organizational behavior
  • change management
  • decision support systems
  • project & risk management
  • public management
  • transports & logistics
  • operations management
  • ict and digital innovation
  • digital transformation
  • design thinking
Work Experiences
05/2010 - Present

Professional Consultant, Project Manager and Bid Manager

EII - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA

Aerospace, Defence, Security & Maritime Authorities

- Project Assistant on a Feasibility Study conducted for FRONTEX, the EU Border Defence Agency, in order to assess the actual limited staffing and means needs and verify the possibility to improve the organization's capabilities

- Project Manager for the CERS2 and SVD projects, for the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). CERS2 is an extension of the CERS/SVD project (CONSOLIDATED EUROPEAN REPORTING SYSTEM and SINGLE VESSEL DATABASE), a system to capture data on vessel movements, dangerous cargoes, vessel safety, security information and the disposal of waste within European waters. The EU-wide system is called SafeSeaNet and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) system, that reports to SafeSeaNet and the European Commission, is CERS/SVD.

- Technical Coordinator of several WorkPackages on the PERSEUS project (

- Quality Management / CMMI compliance of the DIISM Project, for the Italian Navy

Other activities:
- Project Proposal Management (EU, ESA and National)
- Contacts with Italian/Foreign Universities
- Project Management Support

01/02/2010 - 30/12/2010

R&D Consultant

Tech4i2 (UK based company)

Research Project - UE Support Action

- CROSSROAD Project ( Responsible for the development of the Roadmap for the CROSSROAD Project, with particular reference to the theme/research challenge on Policy Modeling & Simulation.

CROSSROAD aims to build a roadmap for ICT research in the field of governance and policy modelling and its main goal is to drive the identification of emerging technologies, new governance models and novel application scenarios in the area of participation, electronic governance and policy modelling, leading to the structuring of a beyond the state-of-the-art research agenda, fully embraced by research and practice communities.

11/2008 - Present

Research Fellow

University of Rome "Sapienza" - Center for Cyber Intelligence and Information Security (scientific affiliation)


From 2013: scientific affiliation @CIS Sapienza (
- Technical Coordination of the ATTACS Project (Assessing the socio-economic impacts of Terrorist Threats or Attacks following the Close down of public transportation Systems), funded under the CIPS2013 Action Grant Programme from DG-HOME (ref. HOME/2013/CIPS/AG/4000005083), and relative to the development of a decision support system in the field of transports protection, in order to enable transports operators and authorities to estimate all the economic and societal implications of a forced close down of part (or the whole) of their public transport system, hence being able to make better, informed, security related decisions.
- Technical Coordination of the CRISADMIN Project (ref. HOME/2011/CIPS/AG/4000002116), funded under the CIPS2011 Action Grant Programme from DG-HOME, and relative to the development of a DSS based on a system dynamics model for the assessment of intervention and/or prevention policies in case of catastrophic events affecting strictly interrelated critical infrastructures (2011-2014):
- Proposal Management and Technical Coordination of the CROSSOVER Project ("Bridging Communities for next generation Policy Making"), a Support Action funded under the FP7 (FP7-ICT-2011-7),

From 2008 to 2012: @CATTID
- Expert on Process Improvement and Optimization
- Responsible for the analysis of the impact from the introduction of innovative technologies (wireless, embedded, sensor networks, etc...) into production/service processes and systems
- Proposal Management for several CIPS calls (the EU Critical Infrastructure Protection & Security Programme)
- Expert on eLearning (, Interactive Learning Environments and Business Simulations

05/2008 - 05/2010

Program Management / BPR



Customer: Selex SI (AeroSpace & Defense)

- 05.2008/01.2009
Deputy Program Manager on the EUCCIS Project, a Command & Control Information System which is developed by Selex SI (a company of Finmeccanica) for the General Secretariat of the European Commission (DGA5), which is managing the project on behalf of the European Military Staff (EUMS).

- 02.2009/07.2009
Business Process Analysis, Reengineering and Design of logistic activities for the Temporary Support service to the new Italian Navy Carrier \"Cavour\"

- 08.2009/05.2010
Assistant Deputy Program Manager on Selex SI\'s Naval Program \"Baynunah\", for the United Arab Emirates Navy (Combat System Integration and development of the Combat Management System)

10/2005 - 12/2009

Solution Manager

ESE Srl – Enterprise Solutions Engineering -

Consulting Company

ESE operates in the following fields: ICT, Design and Optimization of Production Systems, Transports and Logistics, Innovative Finance, Organizational Models and Change Management, Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems

Project Manager, ICT Business Unit Coordinator, Pre-Sales

- 11.2007 / 07.2009:
Project Coordinator for a project dealing with the optimization of the logistic network of a primary Express Courier Company in Italy (SDA)

- 05.2006 / 09.2007:
Project Manager and Project Coordinator of a workgroup hired by the company Camporlecchio Educational Srl in order to manage the development of software modules for a national financed project named “KEEN – Knowledge in Extended Enterprise Networks” (more info at, and related to the retrieval and extraction of knowledge from structured and non-structured data sets. The workgroup included PhD and researchers of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” dealing in AI and Machine Learning.

- 01.2006 / 12.2007:
Project Manager for the eDemocracy Project “Aniene.Partecipata” (, commissioned by an Italian Local Administration (X Comunità Montana dell’Aniene, Lazio), cofinanced by the former Italian Ministry for Innovation in the Public Administration and dealing with the design, development, engineering and test of a web platform regarding the management of processes and information related to the participation of the citizenship to the discussions concerning with the public expenditures on tourism, environment and cultural and historic paths.

06/2005 - 05/2010


CNIPA - Centro Nazionale per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione

Public Administration

CNIPA is the National Center for IT in the italian Public Administration

- consultant on the projects “Observatory on the adoption of Open Source Software in the Italian Public Administration” and “Public connectivity and Interoperability (SPC / SPCoop): interadministrative processes reengineering and reorganization among the italian Central Public Administrations”

- also since the beginning, in collaboration with the R&D Lab at CNIPA, has started supporting the work of some of his students from “Tor Vergata” University (from the faculties fo Economics, Business Engineering and Computer Science) both on their graduation thesis as well as master thesis, regarding advanced aspects on some of the major projects at CNIPA (SPCoop, RFId, Paperless Administrations, etc…)

- 2007 / 2008: coordination of a team composed of members from CNIPA and DIT (Tech Innovation Dept. of the Italian Ministers Presidency) on the FP6 QualiPSo project, concerning the research and development of a new framework for Open Source Software Quality and relative industrial software best practices.

- has also coordinated the submission of several project proposals to the FP7 and CIP-PSP UE programs

04/2005 - 04/2005


Telecom Italia, Roma


Lecturer in \"Decision Support Systems\", a course of the \"Executive Master in Business Administration\", in partnership with the Drexel University of Philadelphia, TILS - Telecom Italia Learning Services - and Marketing University ICT

03/2005 - 06/2005

Scientific Consultant and Project Manager

Dipartimento di Statistica, Probabilità e Statistiche Applicate (Dpt. Of Statistics, Probability & Applied Statistics)

\"Sapienza\" University

Project on the simulation of the italian national railways timetable, at the Dept. of Models and Decision Support Systems of the national railway company (“Ferrovie dello Stato – Trenitalia”), in collaboration with the Dept. of Statistics, Probability and Applied Statistics at “Sapienza” University, Rome, Italy

01/2005 - 10/2008

Lecturer and Post-Doc

Dept. of Business Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


- 06.2005 / 07.2007
Design and development of two custom dynamic content management websites:, for the Interuniversitary Operations Research Center (CIRO), and, for the Business Engineering & Management Dept. at the Faculty of Engineering, “Tor Vergata” University, Rome

- 2005 / 2007
Lecturer for the course “Simulation elements and fundamentals”, a 15 hours module, at the Master of “Network Systems Engineering” (, Dept. of Business Engineering and Management at “Tor Vergata” University, Rome.

- 2007 / 2008
Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, “Tor Vergata” University, for the courses “eGovernment” at the Master in Innovation and Management or the Public Administrations, and for the course “Project and Process Management” at the Master in Economy and Management for the National Public Healthcare Systems

During the PhD (2001-2004), Lecturer for a 15 hours module, “A Simulation Approach with System Dynamics”, in the course of “Production Systems Models” at “Tor Vergata” University, Rome.

01/2004 - 02/2005


STON Srl, Roma

ICT and Business Consultancy

Consultant in Operations Management for STON Srl: consultancy and development of enterprise engineering solutions to SMEs, networking and security, answers to national and european ICT tenders and calls for project proposals

02/2003 - 09/2003

Project Manager on web design

La Gazzetta Politica, Roma

Project Manager on web design

Management for the development of a Dynamic Web Site (PHP, Apache, MySQL) for the Italian National Newspaper “La Gazzetta Politica” (

01/2003 - 03/2003


SAGO SpA, Firenze

ICT company for Health systems

Advisor and pre-sales on Health-care ICT-Systems

03/2002 - 12/2004



Educational Institution for the italian Public Administrations

Consultant for the Project “CRCItalia – italian regional competence centres”, committed by the former Italian Ministry for Technology Innovation, on the subject of the diffusion of Open Source Software in PAs in the second phase of the eGovernment action of the Italian government

01/2002 - 12/2002


Logo 2000 – E-le@rning Company, Roma

eLearning Company

Responsible of the area for the design and development of Business Games and Simulators with the System Dynamics approach. Development of the “Virtual Project” micro world.

10/2000 - 12/2001


SEMA Group, Roma

TLC system integrator

Project Analyst on the PPM project (Prepaid Promotion Manager), for the company Telecom Italia SpA

03/1999 - 06/2000


Italian Navy

Defense / Military

After being in the Italian Navy Academy, 11 months as an Officer (Ensign) of the Italian Navy - General Staff, Section of Operations, Training, Intelligence and Statistics.

01/1999 - 03/1999


dS-Telematica, Roma

System Integrator

Software developer and analyst

Education and Training
11/2001 - 12/2004

PhD in Business Engineering and Management (December 2004)

Dept. of Business Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


Doctoral Thesis on Software Project Management, analysis of management techniques and cost estimation methods, according to the latest software engineering techniques and theories, development of a dynamic simulator
Dissertation Title: “Improving the performance of software development projects: a System Dynamics approach”

12/2000 - 12/2001

Master in “Business Engineering and Administration”

Dept. of Business Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


Management, Finance, Marketing, Technological Innovation, BPR, ERP Systems, Informative Systems, Net-Economy and E-Business, Leadership and Negotiation, Service and Production Systems, Supply Chain and Inventory Management, Strategic Management.

12/1989 - 12/1997

graduation in Computer Engineering (Robotics and Automation)

Dept. of Computer Science and Systems, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

106 on 110

Dissertation Title: “Control Techniques of Autonomous Mobile Robots”

12/1985 - 12/1989

High School Graduation

Scientific Liceum “Benedetto Croce”, Roma

fullmark of 60 on 60


Personal Skills
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
  • English
  • French
  • German
Personal skills and competences
Leadership, team coordination and organization, acquired both as a former member of the Italian Naval Academy and then as a Navy Officer (Ensign), but also due to the experience as a Chief Entertainment Organizer in summer jobs during the period of study at university. Especially in the latter case, I've also worked several times abroad, thus having the chance to deal with different cultures and interacting with people of different languages (especially english, french and german).
Communication skills
I have a high sense of teamworking and I deeply believe in the enrichment coming from the integration of cultures and disciplines. This is probably due to the fact that during my life I’ve always liked doing my activities in teams: sports, professional, military, artistic.
Talking to people (also in different languages) is a way of understanding different cultures as well as also an excellent method for continuous learning, especially in specific working contexts.
Organisational / managerial skills
Leadership, team coordination and organization, analytic and systems thinking, attitude towards strategic planning and decision-making. Organization of multi-cultural events.
Technical skills and competences
Robotic Systems, Systems Theory, Graph Theory and Network Flows, Control Theory, System Dynamics (Policy Council member of the System Dynamics Society, President of SYDIC, the System Dynamics Italian Chapter -, Business Simulation and DSS, Project Management & Risk Management, Call Center management, system design and modelling, System Dynamics, Powersim, Vensim, Stella/Ithink, Extend, Arena, Anylogic, GoldSim, iGrafx Process, Process Modeling, IDEF, MatLab, Simulink, LabView
Computer skills and competences
Pascal, C, C++, Java, Modula2, Prolog, VisualBasic; Windows NT/98/2000, Linux, Unix, MacOS, Solaris; Saphira, InstallShield, PhotoShop, Office, Access; HTML, FrontPage, ASP, PhP, Jscript, VBScript, MS InterDev, Oracle, SQL+, MySQL
Artistic skills and competences
Sports (Tennis, Football, Snowboarding), Music (singing and guitar playing in a rock band), Astronomy, Photography, Reading books, Theater (acting, musical)
Other skills and competences

- Certificate of Proficiency in English
- Italian Board of Professional Engineers (
- Policy Council Member of the System Dynamics Society (
- President of the System Dynamics Italian Chapter (
- Reviewer for several conferences and scientific journals


Bio-Engineerings, Bionics and Cybernetics, Mechatronics
Driving licence
Car Driving Licence (Cat. B)
Job-related skills

Several working experiences in many foreign countries (USA, UK, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Tunisia)


SYDIC Personal page:

[A1] M. Caramia, S. Armenia, R. Onori, V. Giannunzio "Service Quality and Customer Abandonment: a System Dynamics Approach to Call Center Management", in Proceedings of the 21st International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2003, p. 42, ISBN 0-9672914-8-8 full paper at:

[A2] M. Caramia, S. Armenia, R. Onori, V. Giannunzio "Service Quality and Customer Abandonment: a System Dynamics Approach to Call Center Management", in Proceedings of the Symposium on Operations Research 2003, p. 112.

[A3] S. Armenia, R. Onori, F. Torino, L. Torino “A System Dynamics approach to a Chemist's Inventory and Finance Management”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2004, p. 37, ISBN 0-9745329-0-8 full paper at:

[A4] S. Armenia, R. Onori, A. Bertini “Bathtub Dynamics at Tor Vergata University”, in Proceedings of the 22nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2004, p. 37, ISBN 0-9745329-0-8 full paper at:

[A5] S. Armenia, A. P. Saullo, H. Sedehi “Dynamic Skill-based Routing: a System Dynamics approach to a Policy Definition in Call Center Management”, in Proceedings of the 24th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2006, p. 44, ISBN 978-0-9745329-4-3 full paper at:

[A6] S. Armenia, M. Angelini, A. Nanni, F. Baldoni “Securitization of future credits in a Public Administration tax-collection process: a System Dynamics approach”, in Proceedings of the 24th International System Dynamics Conferente (ISDC), 2006, p. 45, ISBN 978-0-9745329-4-3 full paper at:

[A7] S. Armenia, A. Iovanella, G. F. Italiano, G. Murgia, “Using social network analysis for the study of asynchronous interaction in e-learning”, in Proceedings of International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL 2006), Academic Conferences Limited, 2006, p 207-216.

[A8] S. Armenia, M. Angelini, F. Baldoni, A.Nanni, “La cartolarizzazione dei crediti futuri nel processo di riscossione di un Ente Locale: un modello System Dynamics”, presented to the AIRO 2007 Conference and published in Scienza delle decisioni in Italia: applicazioni della ricerca operativa a problemi aziendali, ECIG, Genova, Italy, ISBN 978-88-7544-150-0.

[A9] S. Armenia, G. Fiorani, M. Meneguzzo, "Analysis of economic impacts and evolutions of the italian cultural event 'La Notte Bianca Romana': a system dynamics approach", in Proceedings of the 26th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2008, Athens, ISBN 978-1-935056-01-0, full paper at:

[A10] S. Armenia, L. Roma, A. Perugia, "A new system dynamics model for the analysis of the paper dematerialization process in the Italian Public Administration", in Proceedings of the 26th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2008, Athens, ISBN 978-1-935056-01-0, full paper at:

[A11] S. Armenia, S. Dafano, H. Sedehi, "The System Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC) community on the web: an online scientific community", in Proceedings of the 26th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2008, Athens, ISBN 978-1-935056-01-0, full paper at:

[A12] H. Sedehi, E. Mollona, S. Armenia, R. Berchi, "Comparing different approaches in teaching System Dynamics in Italian Universities", in Proceedings of the 26th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2008, Athens, ISBN 978-1-935056-01-0, full paper at:

[A13] S. Armenia, M.M. Schiraldi, D. Falsini, "Improving management effectiveness and overall performance of software development projects through a system dynamics approach" in Proceedings of the XXII IPMA World Congress, 2008, Roma, ISBN 888-8-198148,

[A14] S. Armenia, D. Carrera, D. Lamanna, "Floss and social change in Italy: are the public sector and social enterprises ready to pick up emerging opportunities?", presented at the 4th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics (SOIC), 2008, Orlando, Florida

[A15] S. Armenia, D. Falsini, G. Oliveri, "Energy Management in Residential Buildings: a system dynamics approach", in Proceedings of the 27th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico, ISBN 978-1-935056-03-4, full paper at:

[A16] S. Armenia, N. Casalino, C. M. Medaglia, S. Rori, “A new System Dynamics model to improve internal and external efficiency in the paper digitization of Italian Public Administrations” in Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2010, Rome, Italy

[A17] S. Armenia, F. Baldoni, D. Falsini, E. Taibi, “An Energy Model for a Sustainable Transportation System”, in Proceedings of the 28th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2010, Seoul, South Korea, ISBN 978-1-935056-06-5, full paper at:

[A18] M. Meneguzzo, G. Fiorani, S. Armenia (2010), The Dynamics and Economic Impact of the Cultural Event “La Notte Bianca Romana”, DSI Essays Series, 14, issue;h=repec:tov:dsiess:v:14:y:2010

[A19] S. Armenia, D. Canini, D. Falsini, M.M. Schiraldi, "Improving management and tools for project performance in software development: a system dynamics approach" in Proceedings of the 11th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia, ISBN 978-9985-9824-7-1

[A20] S. Armenia, Y. Charalabidis, D. Falsini, F. Lampathaki, D. Osimo. K. Szkuta, "Future research directions in Governance and policy making under the UE prism of ICT for Governance and Policy Modeling", in Proceedings of the 29th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2011, Washington DC, USA, ISBN 978-1-935056-08-09, full paper at:

[A21] F. Lampathaki, Y. Charalabidis, D. Osimo, S. Koussouris, S. Armenia, D. Askounis, "Paving the way for future research in ICT for Governance and Policy Modeling" in Proceedings of the 10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2011, Delft, The Netherlands, August/September 2011. Springer Verlag: Heidelberg et al., LNCS # 6846, 2011.

[A22] S. Armenia, F. Di Cosmo, M. Greco and G. Murgia, “Simulating Board of Directors decisional dynamics: A System Dynamics application for Upper Echelons Theory”, in Proceedings of the 13th Workshop di Organizzazione Aziendale (WOA), Verona, 2012, ISBN 978-88-6129-871-2

[A23] S. Armenia, R. Onori, C.M. Medaglia, "Quantitative-analysis methodologies confrontation: the added value of simulation and System Dynamics applied to the case of Call Center Management." in Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2012, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, ISBN to be announced. Full paper at:

[A24] S. Armenia, A. Centra, V. Cesarotti, A. De Angelis, C. Retrosi, "Military Workforce Dynamics and Planning in the Italian AirForce", in Proceedings of the 30th International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2012, St. Gallen, Switzerland, ISBN 978-1-935056-10-2, full paper at:

[A25] S. Armenia, G. C. Misuraca, D. Osimo and F. Mureddu, “A New Roadmap for Next-Generation Policy-Making”, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2012), 2012, p.62-66, ISBN 978-1-4503-1200-4,

[A26] S. Armenia, C. Carlini, R. Onori, A. P. Saullo, “Policy Modeling as a new area for research: perspectives for a Systems Thinking and System Dynamics approach?”, in Proceedings of the 13th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, ISBN 978-975-8400-35-5.

[A27] S. Armenia, A. De Angelis, “Proposal of a ‘Goldilocks’ methodology for the assessment of an international crisis”, in Proceedings of the 31st International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2013, Cambridge (MA), USA, ISBN 978-1-935056-11-9, full paper at:

[A28] A. S. Atzori, L. O. Tedeschi, S. Armenia, “Farmers education enables precision farming of dairy operations”, in Proceedings of the 31st International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2013, Cambridge (MA), USA, ISBN 978-1-935056-11-9, full paper at:

[A29] S. Armenia, C. Carlini, R. Onori, A. P. Saullo, “Policy Modeling as a new area for research: perspectives for a Systems Thinking and System Dynamics approach?”, in Proceedings of the Business Systems Laboratory - 2nd International Symposium, 2014, Rome (Italy), ISBN 9788890824203

[A30] Cavallini, S., d'Alessandro, C., Volpe, M., Armenia, S., Carlini, C., Brein, E., Saullo A. P. & Assogna, P. (2014). “A System Dynamics Framework for Modeling Critical Infrastructure Resilience”, in Proceedings of Critical Infrastructure Protection VIII, Springer, pp. 141-154, 8th IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference, ICCIP 2014, Arlington, VA, USA, March 17-19, 2014

[A31] S. Armenia, C. Carlini, A. P. Saullo, P. Assogna “From theory to practice: taking up a theoretical framework on critical infrastructures modelling through a system dynamics approach”, in Proceedings of the 14th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2014, Valencia, Spain, ISBN 978-84-697-0377-9.

[A32] S. Armenia, A. De Angelis, “A Systems Thinking approach
to the analysis of International Crises”, in Proceedings of the 14th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2014, Valencia, Spain, ISBN 978-84-697-0377-9, full paper at:

[A33] S. Armenia, A. De Angelis, “Julius Caesar’s System Understanding of the Gallic Crisis: a peek in the mind of a History maker”, in Proceedings of the 32nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-935056-13-3, full paper at:

[A34] S. Armenia, C. Carlini, A. Cardazzone, P. Assogna, E. Brein, C. D’Alessandro, E. Limone, “A System Dynamics approach to Critical Infrastructures Interdependency Analysis: the experience of the CRISADMIN Project”, in Proceedings of the 32nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-935056-13-3, full paper at:

[A35] S. Armenia, C. Carlini, A. Cardazzone, “Understanding Security Policies in the Cyber Warfare Domain through System Dynamics”, in Proceedings of the 32nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-935056-13-3, full paper at:

[A36] S. Armenia, A. Cardazzone, “Analyzing counter-terrorism and asymmetric conflict policies by means of a system dynamics approach”, in Proceedings of the 32nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, ISBN: 978-1-935056-13-3, full paper at:

[A37] S. Armenia, A. Cardazzone, C. Carlini, “Understanding Security Policies in the Cyber Warfare Domain through System Dynamics”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2014), held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multi-conference (I3M 2014), 10-12 September 2014, Bordeaux, France, ISBN: 9781634393133

[A38] S. Armenia, G.P. Sellitto, “Detecting social engineering, opinion manipulation and sentiment hijacking in massive online communities”, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2014)

[A39] S. Armenia, S. Barile, F. Iandolo, “Merging Viable Systems Approach (vSa) and System Dynamics to evaluate sustainable value creation”, in Proceedings of the Business Systems Laboratory – 3rd International Symposium, 2015, Perugia (Italy), ISBN 9788890824227

[A40] S. Armenia, G.P. Sellitto, “Designing an Integrated Methodological Framework to support Regulation Impact Analysis: a combined System Dynamics – Network Science – Control Theory approach”, in Proceedings of the Business Systems Laboratory – 3rd International Symposium, 2015, Perugia (Italy), ISBN 9788890824227

[A41] Armendariz V., Armenia S., Atzori A.S., Romano A., 2015. “Analysing Food Supply and Distribution Systems using complex systems methodologies”, 9th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 09 - 13, 2015 in Innsbruck-IGLS, Austria, ISSN: 2194-511X, full paper at:

[A42] S. Armenia, G. Tsaples, C. Carlini, “Interactive Learning Environments for Crisis Management through a System Dynamics approach”, in Proceedings of the 15th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 2015, Warsaw, Poland, ISBN 978-8386437-60-0

[A43] V. Armendariz, S. Armenia, A. Atzori, “SD Updates of FAO Methodological Guide to manage the Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS)”, in Proceedings of the 33rd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2015, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, full paper at:

[A44] S. Armenia, G. Tsaples, C. Carlini, V. Armendariz, C. Volpetti, R. Onori, “A Systems Thinking approach to the analysis of economic impacts related to transportation shutdowns: the ATTACS project”, in Proceedings of the 33rd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2015, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, full paper at:

[A45] A. Leva, R. Vallerotonda, D. De Santis, M. Pellicci S. Armenia, C. Volpetti, “Safety and Health in Company Management. Towards a System Dynamics tools for training and policy making”, in Proceedings of the 33rd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2015, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, full paper at:

[A46] S. Armenia, C. Volpetti, “Analyzing the effectiveness of EU Investments in "Managing External Borders": conceptualization of a qualitative model”, in Proceedings of the 33rd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2015, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, full paper at:

[A47] E. Pruyt, S. Armenia, G. Tsaples, A. Antinori, R. Onori, “Fighting Foreign Fighters. But What About Potential and Returning Foreign Fighters?”, in Proceedings of the 33rd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), 2015, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, full paper at:


[B1] S. Armenia, D. Canini, N. Casalino, “A system dynamics approach to the paper dematerialization process in the Italian public administration”, presented to the IV Conference of the AIS Italian Chapter, ITAIS 2007, 3-7 Ottobre 2007, Venezia, and published in The Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information Systems Studies, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, ISBN 978-3908-2010-2.

[B2] S. Armenia, N. Casalino, M. Draoli, “A System Dynamics model to identify and measure the paper digitization advantages in Public Administration” in Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS, ITAIS 2009, Olbia, awarded with the “Best Paper” prize (over 100 presented contributions), and published in "Management of the Interconnected World", by A. D'Atri, M. De Marco, A. M. Braccini, F. Cabiddu. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, ISBN 978-3-7908-2403-2

[B3] S. Armenia, C. Pecchia, “Open Source Software” in “Economia delle Aziende nonprofit” edited by D. Carrera, A. Messina, Aracne Ed., 2008, Roma, ISBN 978–88–548–1857–6

[B4] Mureddu, F., Osimo, D., Misuraca, G., Onori, R., & Armenia, S. (2014). “A Living Roadmap for Policymaking 2.0”. In P. Sonntagbauer, K. Nazemi, S. Sonntagbauer, G. Prister, & D. Burkhardt (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Advanced ICT Integration for Governance and Policy Modeling (pp. 433-461). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6236-0.ch022


[PhD] S. Armenia, “Improving the performance of software development projects: a System Dynamics approach”, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Dicembre 2004.


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Armendariz V., Armenia S., Atzori A.S., 2015, “Understanding the dynamics of Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS)”. Proceedings of the Call for Papers no.3 issued by FAO’s Meeting Urban Food Needs Project, presented at the “First Mediterranean conference on food supply and distribution systems in urban environments”, July 6th and 7th 2015, Rome, Italy. Paper (coded as CFP3-18) at:
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